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Barnett, Jack. 2020. “A Bayesian Approach to Excess of Loss Pure Premium Rating.” Variance 13 (1): 54–79.
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  • Exhibit 2.1. One way to simulate reported claim counts from a lognormal distribution with an underlying emergence pattern
  • Exhibit 2.2. Application of equation (4) to reported claim counts simulated in Exhibit 2.1
  • Exhibit 3.1. Prior severity distributions
  • Exhibit 4.1. Expected emergence patterns
  • Exhibit 4.2. Reported claims, ultimate claims, estimated emergence pattern, and actual emergence pattern, $3M × $2M layer
  • Exhibit 4.3. Simulated loss ratio, reported claims, IBNR claims, ultimate claims, and estimated emergence pattern, all layers
  • Exhibit 4.4. Ultimate and reported probabilities
  • Exhibit 5.1. MLE estimate of the ground-up loss ratio for curve #1
  • Exhibit 6.1. Likelihood of the MLE, given the ELR and total variance for curve #1
  • Exhibit 6.2. Posterior weights for severity distributions
  • Exhibit 6.3. Posterior severity distribution
  • Exhibit 7.1. Mean of the posterior loss ratio distribution
  • Exhibit 7.2. Projected claim counts
  • Exhibit 8.1. Bayesian versus MLE and experience claim count estimates (over 10 years)
  • Exhibit 8.2. Pricing exercise: Bayesian approach versus experience approach
  • Exhibit 8.3. Pricing exercise: Bayesian approach versus MLE approach
  • Exhibit 8.4. Pricing exercise: Bayesian approach versus MLE and experience approaches
  • Exhibit A.1. MLE estimate: Lognormal parameters
  • Exhibit A.2. MLE estimate: Ground-up loss ratio


This paper demonstrates a Bayesian approach for estimating loss costs associated with excess of loss reinsurance programs. The main features of this approach are that (1) prior severity distributions are adjusted for historical emergence patterns underlying the experience data, (2) maximum likelihood estimation is used to estimate a ground-up loss ratio for each prior severity distribution, (3) a posterior severity distribution is derived using a Bayesian approach, and (4) a posterior ground-up loss ratio is derived using a Bayesian approach. This paper illustrates a simple implementation of the approach and tests the model by simulating from known frequency and severity distributions and fitting the model to the simulated “data.”