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Schmid, Frank A. 2012. “The Workers Compensation Tails.” Variance 6 (1): 48–77.
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  • Figure 1. Time processes in loss development
  • Figure 2. Stochastic dependence graph for RJMCMC
  • Figure 3. Stochastic dependence graph for RJMCMC (break)
  • Figure 4. SCF indemnity: actual (circles) and estimated (lines) logarithmic incremental payments
  • Figure 5. SCF indemnity: trajectory of consumption of indemnity services (level of exposure as of first accident year)
  • Figure 6. SCF indemnity: trajectory of the rate of decay of consumption
  • Figure 7. SCF indemnity: probability of there being a nonzero payment
  • Figure 8. SCF indemnity: rate of exposure growth
  • Figure 9. SCF indemnity: smoothed scale parameter of normal distribution (exposure growth)
  • Figure 10. SCF Indemnity: calendar-year effect
  • Figure 11. SCF Indemnity: prior and posterior distributions of the degrees of freedom of Student’s t distribution
  • Figure 12. SCF Indemnity: smoothed scale parameter of Student’s t distribution
  • Figure 13. SCF indemnity: sorted observed vs. sorted predicted log incremental payments
  • Figure 14. SCF indemnity: standardized residuals, by development year
  • Figure 15. SCF indemnity: standardized residuals, by accident year
  • Figure 16. SCF indemnity: standardized residuals, by calendar year
  • Figure 17. SAIF medical: actual (circles) and estimated (lines) logarithmic incremental payments
  • Figure 18. SAIF medical: trajectory of consumption of medical services (level of exposure as of first accident year)
  • Figure 19. SAIF triangle: trajectories of the rate of decay of the consumption of medical services, pre-reform and post-reform
  • Figure 20. SAIF triangle: trajectories of the rate of decay of the consumption of medical services, pre-reform and post-reform (detailed view)
  • Figure 21. SAIF triangle: probability of there being a nonzero payment
  • Figure 22. SAIF triangle: rate of exposure growth
  • Figure 23. SAIF triangle: smoothed scale parameter of normal distribution (exposure growth)
  • Figure 24. SAIF triangle: calendar year effect
  • Figure 25. SAIF triangle: prior and posterior distributions of the degrees of freedom of Student’s t distribution
  • Figure 26. SAIF triangle: smoothed scale parameter of Student’s t distribution
  • Figure 27. SAIF triangle: sorted observed vs. sorted predicted log incremental payments
  • Figure 28. SAIF triangle: standardized residuals, by development year
  • Figure 29. SAIF triangle: standardized residuals, by accident year
  • Figure 30. SAIF triangle: standardized residuals, by calendar year
  • Exhibit A.1. Schematic SCF Arizona loss triangle (accident years 1930–2003; 74 development years)
  • Exhibit A.2. Schematic SAIF Oregon loss triangle (accident years 1926–2005; 80 development years)


There is a dearth of public knowledge about the development patterns of mature workers compensation claims at the level of the aggregate loss triangle; this is because there are only a few loss triangles available for research that span the full lifetime of the cohort of claimants. Analysis of two very large triangles provided by SCF Arizona (indemnity) and SAIF Oregon (medical component of permanent disability claims) shows how the consumption of indemnity and medical services of a given cohort of claimants develops as this cohort ages and gradually dies off over the decades. For indemnity triangles, the decay rate of consumption correlates with the rate of mortality; for medical triangles, this rate of decay assumes a stationary, negative value after about 20 development years.